Why choose a small school?
Reasons to choose a small school
Why choose a small school for your child?
Learning in a small, mixed ability class with familiar teaching staff has a host of benefits for pupils, parents and carers.
Academic progress and success
A high adult to child ratio allows teaching staff to personalise learning and provide individual support and attention through one-to-one learning. This gives every child the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Personalised support for children with special needs and disabilities
Children with special learning needs thrive in smaller classes thanks to our focused support and attention, and vibrant, stimulating learning environment. We create bespoke learning programmes for individuals with special educational needs and disabilities.
Increased learning opportunities
A varied curriculum balances academic subjects with interesting, fun activities that compliment learning. Children have increased opportunities to attend school trips and sporting activities such as cycling and swimming lessons, and every child has access to personal laptops and ipads to enhance their learning.
Strong links with our local community
A small school is the heartbeat of the community. Roby Mill is a close-knit rural community and we are proud to have great relationships with our church and the local care home.
Big family atmosphere
Learning in small groups develops family values and children learn to care for and respect each other. Mixed age and ability classes allow teachers, children, parents and carers to build close relationships - build trust and feel safe.
Spiritual and moral growth
Prayer and worship are central to school life. Our extended school community contributes to the spiritual and moral growth of the pupils as well as their intellectual and physical development.
Smooth transition to high school
Being part of a small school community builds independence, responsibility and confidence. This means our pupils are well equipped and ready to make the transition to high school education. Learn more about high school transition.