School Meals
All children in EYFS to Year 2 have an automatic entitlement to free ‘Universal School Meal’, children in KS2 need to pay, at the moment meals cost £2.75 a day.
All cooked meals are brought in each day from St Teresa’s RC Primary, just up the road. There is a good and varied choice of high quality meals. The children choose their preferred mid-day meal on a menu sent home the week before, these sheets need returning to school each Thursday. These menus are on a 3 week rotation and offer a hot meal, sandwich or jacket potato choice with salad available each day.
Children who have packed lunches must bring their lunch in a sandwich box/bag. Drinks for packed lunches should be in a carton or plastic container not in glass, tin or thermos container.
Fruit is provided for pupils every day by the ‘National Fruit Scheme’. The children are encouraged to eat fruit during the morning playtime. There is also toast available at break time.