Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Our entire staff is committed to providing the conditions and opportunities to enable any child with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to achieve their potential and be fully included in every part of school life. With our Christian Values of Love, Hope and Courage at the centre of everything we do, our learning environment offers a place for all pupils to be happy and learn effectively.
If your child has additional needs, joining a small school can be an advantage. Parents regularly tell us that children receive more consistent support and development at Roby Mill compared to larger schools. Children with SEND may be removed from classes at other schools. This is not the case at Roby Mill. We value each child as an individual, recognising, nurturing and celebrating their unique qualities.
The school atmosphere is calming and supportive. Parents and carers have access to our staff and are fully involved in reviews of their child’s education.
We have two full-time teaching assistants, allowing additional support to be deployed where and when required. Continuing Professional Development is offered to all staff. Specific training is available to support individual children where necessary.
To discuss your child’s SEND needs, please contact:
Mrs Nicola Grand, SENDCO
Tel: 01695 622536
Highlights from our 2021 Ofsted report
“All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are fully involved in all aspects of school life.”
“All pupils, including those with SEND, read well and remember important aspects of their learning.”
“Pupils, including children in early years and pupils with SEND, describe with enthusiasm what they have learned.”
SEND policy
Our Special Educational Needs and Disability policy aims to identify pupils with SEND as early as possible and to make appropriate intervention through appropriate teaching methods; to identify pupils of all abilities who are underachieving, act on this and support pupils to make the best progress they can.
We support children through:
- Daily teacher observations and assessment of pupils’ work for early identification of pupils with difficulties accessing learning and general school life opportunities.
- Tracking and reviewing pupil progress every half-term.
- Continuous communication between class teacher, SENDCO and Assessment Coordinator.
- Strong links with external agencies such as the School Nurse, Speech Therapy, IDSS Learner Support and access to specialist teacher advice.
- Provision of extra equipment to support learning.
- In-class support and one-to-one delivery of Individual Education Programmes.
Download the full SEND policy below