Our Governing Body is chaired by Carole McCourt who is supported by five independent governors and two members of staff.
Governors are appointed to ensure that school objectives and Christian Vision and Values are met and that planning for the future is both visionary and realistic. Their role is to support and encourage the Headteacher and school staff so that all children have access to an enriched education full of opportunity.
How often do you meet?
We hold a full meeting of governors every school term (three times across the school year). Two sub-committees covering Curriculum & Standards and Effectiveness and Resources & Premises also meet once each term.
Outside of these formal meetings, our governors make regular visits to the school for walk-rounds, discussions with pupils, participation in and observation of the life of the school and to attend events and celebrations.
Our governors are involved with a variety of issues including finance and budgets, public relations, building maintenance and staff appointments. Above all, their most important role is to monitor the welfare and education of our pupils.
Governors’ roles and responsibilities
Our school governors play an essential and guiding role in the school community. See below for a full list of governors, roles and responsibilities.
Their role includes:
- To challenge and support senior management to ensure our children receive the best possible education
- Attending school to observe good practice, celebrate success and ask key questions to help the school continually improve in its practice, provision and procedures
- Reviewing school policies and contributing to school improvement discussions
- To represent the wider community in the life and leadership of the school
- To ensure senior management are operating within the agreed school policies and procedures
- Making key staff appointments
For the benefit of the school, all our governors undergo regular skills audits and training to enable learning and development and inform future recruitment policy, both for the benefit of the school.
How to contact our Governors
Parents and Governors have key roles in helping Roby Mill Primary to maintain standards for all our children, both now and for future generations. If you have any questions for our governing body or wish to discuss matters relating to the school, please get in touch via the Headteacher in the first instance.
Useful information
The Governors of UpHolland Roby Mill C of E Primary School believe it is important that Governing Boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse Boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.
The Governors are currently collecting data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender, and ethnicity. They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making. At the present time, we do not publish this diversity data online, as individual Governors could be identified, and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.